Cheyenne Guitar Society regular monthly meeting

August 3, 2021 @ 6:15 pm - 8:45 pm Laramie County Library 6:15 - 8:45 pm Room TBD - Location Subject to change MASKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES - even when singing (Library Rules)

Guitar Workshop – Martin Gilmore – Sean McGowan – at LCCC

Martin Gilmore - Folk/Americana Singer/Songwriter Teacher ( Sean McGowan - Fingerstyle Jazz Guitarist Teacher ( Free and open to the public and all LCCC students LCCC Campus 1400 East College Drive Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82007 Fine Arts Building - Studio Room Attendees are welcome to bring their guitar Martin and Sean will be talking about and

Martin Gilmore – Sean McGowan Concert at LCCC

Martin Gilmore - Folk/Americana Singer/Songwriter ( Sean McGowan - Fingerstyle Jazz Guitarist ( Open to the public and all LCCC students LCCC Campus Surbrugg/Prentice Auditorium 1400 East College Drive, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007 Admission $10.00 and $5.00 for Students Tickets available at the door or at WYOmusic (1708 Central Avenue) or call 307-331-2420 Doors open at