Brady brought us his original shark attack song, ‘Ocean Lover’
March is tricky. Coming in like a lion and going out like a, mmmm, different lion, like it does here in Wyo, with a Friday the 13th thrown in for good measure, it’s not easy to navigate. Worst still, that first Tuesday cropped up so fast it caught many of us off guard. Our turnout reflected this tumultuous month. Welcome to Peter Inells and Chris Smith, who joined us for a listen this month.
Peter watching on while Marvelous Marvin takes us to Jamaica.
Reports were the Valentine’s Day Dinner/Concert went well, and Steve had a solo gig up in Chugwater. If your time machine isn’t in the shop, you can still catch that on the 7th.
No scheduled group song, per se, but Keith invited all to join in and sing like Ringo on ‘Little Help From My Friends’.
What will you do when I sing out of tune? Will you stand up and hurl stuff at me???
Thanks to Rich Ryan for providing most of the photos used this month.
Playlist for March 2020
Brady Lyles, ‘Bird’s Eye View’, an original tune.
Remy Abeyta, ‘Good Time Charlie’s Got the Blues’, Danny O’Keefe
Mike Clark, ‘Imagine’, John Lennon
Mike, wake up! It’s the middle of your turn. Sheesh
Steve Gilmore, ‘Traveling Blues’, Lefty Frizzel
Gary Krause, ‘Angels’, original
Jeannie White, ‘Spinning Wheel’, Blood Sweat and Tears
Ride a painted pony, let the spinning wheel turn!
Keith Blaney, ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’, Randy Newman
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional folk tune.
Earl Janack, ‘Ironing Board Blues’, From the Waltons
Earl, with a little help from Avery, playin’ the ‘Ironing Board Blues’
Avery Janack, ‘Black’, Pearl Jam
Rich Ryan, ‘More Than Words’, Extreme
Ken Frederick, ‘Yesterday’, Lennon/McCartney
Look at all the strings on that thing! Remarkably, it was in tune, too…
Brady Lyles, ‘Ocean Lover’, original
Remy Abeyta, ‘Gotta Travel On’, Billly Grammer
Mike Clark, ‘This Ol’ Guitar’, John Denver
Gary Krause, ‘Together’, original
Gary and I have the same tell; we start grinning like crazy when we goof up. He was not alone tonight! It was a tough course for a bunch of us.
Jeanie White, ‘Someday Soon’, Ian Tyson
Rick Memmel, Jeanie and Keith, ‘You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away’, Lennon/McCartney
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional folk tune.
Steve Gilmore, ‘Colleen Malone’, Pete Gohles
Steve and a very old friend, an 80 year old Gretch New Yorker
Earl Janack, ‘London Calling’, The Clash
Avery Janack, ‘Wolf Like Me’, TV on the Radio
Rich Ryan, ‘Queen of Corona (virus), Paul Simon mostly…
I can read Rich’s mind; ‘Oh please oh please what’s the next chord here, QUICK!’
Ken Frederick, ‘Things We Said Today’, Lennon/McCartney
Mike Clark, ‘Windy and Warm’, John Loudermilk
Steve Gilmore, ‘Down at Milo’s House’, Norman Blake
Remy Abeyta, ‘Roadhouse Boogie’, Duane Eddy
Man, look at that fancy shirt! As Remy so aptly put it, ‘Where else can you wear a shirt like that?’ Point taken, Mr. Abeyta.
Jeanie White, ‘Tomorrow’, Bob Dylan
Keith Blaney, ‘Little Help From My Friends’, Lennon/McCartney
Earl Janack, ‘Mind Your Own Business’, Hank Williams
Avery Janack, ‘Boy From School’, Hot Chip
Avery hoped we captured his passion. I think we got it. Chris Smith looking on.
April’s meeting doesn’t pop up until the 7th, so it shouldn’t leave the station without us next month. See you there!
It’s not every day I get to write about the February Guitar Society meeting; now I just have to think of something to say…
Avery and Earl Janack, guarding the door. Avery’s pickin’, Earl’s a grinnin’…
Earl managed to get us an upgrade. We were slated for the library’s Willow Room, but ended up in the much larger Cottonwood Room next door. Thanks Earl! Attendance was light, with only about a dozen attendees. It was only 3* when I arrived, and -3* when I left, so weather may have been a factor. Marvin came in from Carpenter and Paul came down from Wheatland, so we had a few souls brave the weather.
You may not be able to tell from the picture, but Paul here is from suburban Wheatland.
With the small group, we were able to make it around three times. While there wasn’t an official group song, Keith did invite everyone to sing and play along with Otis Redding’s ‘Dock of the Bay’.
Keith ‘sittin’ in the morning sun’ with Otis. Photo by Rick.
Along with Keith and Otis, Ernie had us singing and scattin’ along with Cab Calloway’s ‘Minnie the Moocher’. Hydee hydee hydee hay!!!
That songbook had more verses than you could shake a music stand at. Especially THAT music stand… Ernie sent it flying more than once.
Playlist for February 2020
Rick Memmel, Keith and Jeanie started us with ‘Big Rock Candy Mountain’ by Woodie Guthrie
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional folk tune.
Ernie Brazzale, ‘Minnie the Moocher’, Cab Calloway
Steve Gilmore, ‘Watch What Happens’, Tony Mattola
Ed Heffern, ‘Goin’ Down to the Depot Station’, original
Here’s Ed doing some quick strumming.
Justin Johnson, ‘Great’, original
Ken Frederick, ‘Mixed Emotions’, original
Paul Robertson, ‘Corcovado’ (Quiet Nights), Jobim
Avery Janack, ‘I Will Dare’, The Replacements
Earl Janack, ‘ Lovesick Blues’, Hank Williams
Jeanie with ‘Baby, I’m Yours’.
Jeanie White, ‘Baby I’m Yours’, Barbara Lewis
Keith Blaney, ‘The Water is Wide’, traditional
Ernie Brazzale, ‘Fly Me to the Moon’, Bart Howard
Steve Gilmore, ‘Ain’t Gonna Happen’, Kenny Cornell
Steve leaning into a lick
Ed Heffern, ‘Right Here’, original
Justin Johnson, ‘Murderer of Blue Skies’, Chris Cornell
Always a treat when Justin can join us!
Ken Frederick, ‘Holiday #19’, original
Paul Robertson, ‘ Dia de los Pinos’, Torroba
Earl Janack, ‘In America’, original
Jeanie White, ‘Ruby Tuesday’, K. Richards/B. Jones
Keith Blaney, ‘Dock of the Bay’, Otis Redding
Ernie Brazzale, ‘This Masquerade’, Leon Russell
Ed Heffern, ‘The Wind’, Cat Stevens
Ken Frederick, ‘March Bob’, original
Justin Johnson, ‘Chaos & Clothes’, Jason Isbell
Paul Robertson, ‘Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Me’ Dorothy Thrupp
Avery working a Gorillaz tune
Avery Janack, ‘Feel Good Inc.’ Gorrillaz
Earl Janack, ‘Mansion on the Hill’, Hank Williams.
You know that saying, ‘Sometimes big things come in small packages’? We were just the opposite, with only eleven people in the Library’s Cottonwood Room. Well, make that twelve, when Ernie showed up just in time to play us out.
Ernie teaching Justin’s guitar his unique playing style
Welcome to Crys Moore and Stevy Rae Luca who came for a listen. Paul Robertson drove down from Wheatland with his classical guitar. Some of us would like to thank Paul for waiting a few years before joining us. Had he been there in the beginning, they never would have invited us steel string players to join the party. Listening to Paul play is what I guess the original (classical) players were going for in the first place.
Not a great picture of Paul, but he was busy and I didn’t want to disturb him…
Our group song was Chris Christopherson’s ‘Bobbie Magee’, with a key change in it, no less. Most of us did ok with it. We also voted in the officers and board for 2020. It’ll be a small group this year.
It’s time to get your tickets for the Valentine’s soiree if you haven’t yet. February 14th, Little America, starts at 6pm for hors d’oeuvres, performance by last year’s GFA winner at 7, and plated dinner at 8. There are two words there I spell so poorly I keep them on a cheat sheet. Can’t look up what you can’t spell, and auto correct is just confused by my attempts. Just sayin’.
Playlist January 2020
Earl Janack started us off with ‘Wild Blue Eyes’, a traditional folk tune.
Earl working a tune.
Roland Peterson, ‘Opus 139 #5’, Guiliani
Steve Gilmore, ‘Gentle Annie’, by Steven Foster
Justin Johnson, ‘Time In A Bottle’, Jim Croce
Keith Blaney, ‘Confused’, original
Rich Ryan, ‘Wichita Lineman’, Jimmy Webb
Look at all the strings and tuning pegs on Rich’s guitar. That’s just crazy.
Paul Robertson, ‘Squares Suspended’, Andrew York
Earl Janack, ‘Deportee’, Woodie Guthrie
Roland Peterson, ‘Opus 60 #7’, Carcassi
Steve Gilmore, ‘Young Jane’, traditional fiddle tune
Our big man with a small guitar, Steve Gilmore
Justin Johnson, ‘SRV Style Blues’ unknown
Keith Blaney, ‘My Road’, original
Group song, ‘Bobbie Magee’, Chris Christopherson.
Rich Ryan, ‘Hark the Herald Angels’, jazzy version
Paul Robertson, ‘Ode to Joy’, Ludwig Von Beethoven, arrangement by Paul
Earl Janack, ‘Wildwood Flower’, the Carter Family
Steve Gilmore, ‘Doc’s Guitar’, Doc Watson
We make Justin sit by himself and sing to a chair
Justin Johnson, ‘Friend of the Devil’, Greatful Dead
Keith Blaney, ‘I Will’, Lennon/McCartney
Rich Ryan, ‘Sister Golden Hair’, America
Paul Robertson, ‘Carol of the Bells/What Child is This?’ medley.
Earl Janack, ‘I’m In The Place I Am’, original
Justin Johnson, ‘Sittin’ Here’, original
The original of Justin’s original. I’m lying, of course, it’s much too neat to be original
Keith Blaney, ‘Crazy Love’, Van Morrison
Ernie Brazzale, ‘You Belong to Me’. I might be wrong about this as well, as we had already packed up and Ernie didn’t have a chance to write his tune down.
Also joining us were Stevy Rae Luca, Rick Memmel, Crys Moore, and Nancy McKenzie.
Our master of ceremonies tonight, the fabulous Ernie B.
We had a fairly modest turnout of about 20 folks for our December meeting in the library’s Cottonwood Room. We invited everyone to bring treats, and there were nearly as many platters of goodies as there were players! So many, in fact, we had to take an official snack break, along with casual grazing as the meeting progressed.
Tom Fuller has joined us a few times before, but this was the first time he broke out his guitar. Nice job, Tom!
Tom playing ‘Bill Bailey, Won’t you Please Come Home’
Russ sang two for us, which is always a treat. Some gals showed up early during our second lap, so we waited until they stuffed their faces full of cookies before we asked them who the were. Welcome to Sue Frerich and their neighbor Char Nolan.
Marvelous Marvin and his cookie monster groupies, Char Nolan and Sue Frerich.
The group song was a bit different this month, brought to us by Edith. She enlisted the help of Carol Bowles, Gary Krause, and Ernie to sing it a few times a cappella, then taught it to the rest of us.
Carol, Floyd (sitting in for Gary) and Edith
Here’s wishing you and yours a most joyous and blessed Christmas season. See you all again, with perfect clarity, in 2020.
Here’s Ed with his fancy singing music stand, Judy Heffern. Also pictured is Rick playing along with a rather mundane music stand. Rick (and his stand) do not usually sing.
December 2019 Playlist
Lots of guests tonight, so just to mix things up a bit that’s where I’ll start. Floyd Turner, Barb Williams, Kathy Memmel, Sue Frerich, and Char Nolan all joined in the festivities, and many brought treats! Thank you!
Russ sang two for us tonight, along with a most excellent classical piece.
Russ started us out with ‘Blott en Dag’ by Oscar Ahnfelt.
Tom Fuller, ‘Bill Bailey, Won’t You Please Come Home’, by Hughie Cannon.
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional folksong.
Ed and Judy Heffern with Rick Memmel, ‘Christmas Dinner’ by Paul Stookey.
Ken, about to be eaten by that tall stack of chairs. Goodies in background about to be eaten by everyone else.
Ken Frederick, ‘Pearl Harbor Day’, original
Keith Blaney, ‘The Christmas Song’, Mel Torme.
Earl Janack, ‘Do You Hear What I Hear?’, lyrics by N. Regney, music by G. Shayne.
Roland Peterson, ‘Study in A’, by Giuliania
Roland working on something classical
Ernie Brazzale, ‘Please Come Home For Christmas’, Charles Brown.
Remy Abeyta, ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’, Hugh Martin/Ralph Blane
Edith Cook, Carol Bowles, and Gary Krause brought us the group song ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’, anonymous
Boy, who took this picture? Cut Carol in half, Ed’s hat is hovering a foot off his head, and Gary is hidden in obscurity. I say fire that photographer!!!
Russ Williams, ‘Auld Lang Syne’ , traditional
Tom Fuller, ‘Sloop John B.’, Bahamian folk song.
Ken Frederick, ‘Chut Hut’, original
Ed Heffern and Rick Memmel, ‘Little Saint Nick’, Beach Boys.
Keith Blaney, Rick Memmel, Nancy McKenzie, ‘Holly Jolly Christmas’, Johny Marks.
Nancy and Rolland look on while Earl offers up his original tune
Earl Janack, ‘Winter Solstice’, original
Keith Blaney, ‘Merry Christmas From the Family’, Robert Earl Keene.
Roland Peterson, ‘Opus 50 No. 3’, Carcassi.
Remy Abeyta, ‘The Little Drummer Boy’, Katherine Davis.
Our camera shy Remy with his nylon stringed marvel.
Carol Bowles, Edith Cook, Gary Krause, and Ed Heffern, ‘Silent Night/ Night of Silence’, Daniel Kantor
Russ Williams, ‘Mary’s Boy Child’, Jester Hairston.
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, Jamaican folk song.
Ken Frederick, ‘So Beautiful’, original
Rick Memmel & Ed Heffern, ‘Feliz Navidad’, Jose Feliciano.
Earl Janack, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth’, Don Gardner
Remy Abeyta, ‘Jingle Bells’, James Lord Pierpont.
Upcoming Events
January is just around the corner! Time to renew your membership for the princely sum of $25. Such a good deal! While it is not a requirement for monthly attendance, it does support our status as a real group, which we must do from time to time. It also earns you discounts for our special events. It also entitles you to vote, which coincidently, is the next topic.
We will be voting for a new slate of officers as soon as possible in the new year, hopefully in January (but things do happen). Perhaps it will be February, which brings us to our next topic. See how I’m segue’n from one thing to the next? Notice I don’t really know how to work with the word ‘segue’?
February will be our annual Valentine’s dinner/concert on the 14th. Pester Russ about it in January if you would like to attend. There are not many seats left. There will also be a master class. Trust me, you don’t have to play classical guitar to learn enough to make your brain hurt for a couple days. $10 to monitor, again pester Dr. Williams for details.
Our good friend and long standing Guitar Society stalwart Don Williams passed away last Wednesday. When I took over the newsletter from Don and Danna in April of 2015, I did a bio of the Dynamic Duo. Let’s see if I can transfer that story here for those of you that didn’t get a chance to know Don.
This photo was up in the ‘Teaser’ section on the first page. and was captioned ‘WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?’
Don and Danna Williams, We Salute You
We begin this tale in 1958, when Danna’s sister took her along to work one day at her job at the Owl Inn. Don saw Danna, snatched her right out of the cradle (obviously) and that was that. Before you know it, the begat’n started; three daughters begat 7 grandkids that begat 2 grand babies. They’ll also begetting a set of twins this fall.
Danna did a short stint (27 years) with the state. Don had an auto upholstery/glass shop for starters, then like a good neighbor, wrapped up his work career in the insurance biz. More importantly, he started up a band with Carl Halladay, Stan Christiansen, and Wayne Land called The Chugwater Philharmonic in 1967. Don was on the five string banjo. Their first gig was during the rodeo, playing between acts at the Melodrama, two shows a day. Like most things CFD, they put in very long days on a voluntary basis. The band became a fixture at the Pancake Breakfast. Ask anyone that’s been around town awhile, they will tell you the two things they miss about the good old days are the Chuck Wagon Races and/or the Chugwater Philharmonic, playing for breakfasts. Pancakes just don’t taste as good these days.
Now to the WHOLE POINT of this third page. Don and Danna have been doing our newsletter for this entire century, this entire millennium even, plus a year or two of the last one. Not everyone had a computer back in the ’90’s, so they produced a printed version as well. (there was a photo of an old green printed newsletter here I can’t seem to recover; you’ll have to use your imagination) They have also served on the board of directors since Hector was a pup. They opened their home and have been the most gracious hosts of our group’s annual picnic more times than you can count on your hand. They have been members of Guitar Society longer than either of them can remember. True stalwarts of our guitar picking community, we wouldn’t be the group we are today if it weren’t for their generous support. Thanks Guys, You Rock!
It was cozy in the Willow Room for our November meeting, with all 23 chairs occupied. Then there was Rich here, lounging on the floor.
Rich had a chair but preferred the floor. Funny guy.
Welcome to Brady Lyles, who brought some blues to the party.
Brady brings da blues
I think this month I’ll just let the pictures do most of the talking.
Gary got us started with his tenor ukulele.
Next month, we’ll be in the Cottonwood Room, and we have something special loosely planned. We’d like you all to bring a Christmas song or two, and if you’re willing, a plate of goodies. The Cottonwood Room has plenty of space and extra chairs, so we would also like for you to invite all your friends and family to join us for our holiday celebration.
Playlist for November 2019
Gary Krause covered a Mick Jagger/Keith Richards tune, ‘As Tears Go By’.
Ed Heffern, ‘Autumn Leaves’, by Johny Mercer
Ed posted the lyrics on the thermostat behind him. Glasses adjusted accordingly.
Edith Cook, ‘Se Yo M’Accorgo’, anonymous
Russ Williams, ‘Etude from Musique De Salon’ by Iznaola
Justin Johnson, ‘Love Like This’, Ben Rector
Justin’s stolen music on a borrowed music stand
Ernie Brazzale, ‘St. James Jump’, traditional
Rich Ryan, ‘Past the Point of Rescue’, Hal Ketchum
Keith Blaney, ‘Mystic Highway’, John Foggarty
Jeanie with fan club, Rick and Bob
Jeanie White, ‘In the Wind’, original
Rick Memmel, Jeanie White, and Keith Blaney, ‘Have You Ever Seen The Rain’, John Foggarty (CCR)
Marvin Frerich, our Peace Corp Troubadour
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional
Earl Janack, ‘An Unfinished Chord Progression in the Key of D’, original
Earl shocked us; we kept waiting for the singing to start!
Brady Lyles, ‘Blues In ‘A’, original
Steve Gilmore, ‘Gospel Plow’, traditional American Spiritual
Steve can play this in his sleep; this shot was taken just before he fell out of his chair. Didn’t stop playing though…
Remy Abeyta, ‘Good Time Charlie’s Got the Blues’, Danny O’Keefe
Ken Frederick, ‘420?’, original
David Norby, ‘You Don’t Have to Cry’, Steven Stills (CSN)
David fighting bravely through the Pixie Dust affecting that side of the room.
Gary Krause, ‘Song Sung Blue’, Neil Diamond
Ed Heffern, ‘I’ll Never Find Another You’, the Seekers
Edith Cook and Russ Williams, ‘Autumn’, Alfonso Montes
‘Autumn’, well played by Edith and Russ
Justin Johnson, ‘Hey Ya/Heartless’, Andre 3000/Kanye West, arranged by Justin
Ernie Brazzale, ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’, George Gershwin
Oh, we’re watching all right, you betcha.
Jeanie White, ‘Welcome to My World’, Ray Winkler
Keith, Rick, and Jeanie, ‘Big Rock Candy Mountain’, Woodie Guthrie
One evening as the sun went down, Keith forgot the rest of the words.
Steve Gilmore, ‘Dorothy is Harlem Bound’, unknown
Remy Abeyta, ‘I Started a Joke’, the BeeGees
Remy making it look easy
Ken Frederick, ‘New Song (that) Needs More Practice, original/ author unknown…
Brady Lyles, ‘More Blues for You’s’, original
Earl Janack, ‘I Do It Because It Has To Be Done, Not Because You Don’t Do It’, original
Rich Ryan, ‘Time In a Bottle’, Jim Croce
Edith Cook, ‘Rondo, Frederic Noad
Also attending; Gary Gorny, Bill Bailey, Bob Fontaine, and Floyd Turner.
The October meeting came up fast on the first. A baker’s dozen met in one of the lovely meeting rooms on the Plains Hotel mezzanine.
Skye with her bedazzled guitar. She is not this blurry in person…
Welcome to Skye Krahenbuhl and her highly decorated combat veteran (notice the Purple Bout), The Guitar. She just changed strings from clear to black and white to better match the decor of her six string. This girl can sing! and we all hope she’ll be joining us again soon.
Before the meeting, Skye was across the street at The Paramount, and was followed over by this Nashville resident, Effron White.
We’ve been EFFRON-ized!
Effron happened to be passing through town and decided to check us out. Effron played us a couple of his well crafted, engaging, original tunes. Let’s hope the weather held for him while he made his way to his next gig in Ogden. Happy trails, troubadour! And thanks for the guitar case sticker.
Steve gave us the skinny on the One World Prairie Music and Pie Flinging Contest , held at the library the end of September. Attendance was up and the competition was fierce. Our very own Mike Clark took 4th place in the Acoustic category, winning himself some season tickets for the Cheyenne Concert Association’s upcoming season.
Mike from two months ago. He has since grown his hair out like the rockstar he has become.
When Mike found out Tommy Emmanuel is slated for one of the shows, he was like a kid in a candy store. If memory serves, meeting Tommy is what started Mike playing in the first place. By the way, season tickets are only $60 for 4 shows; any ONE of the performances of the talented acts they have booked for this year is worth that alone!
Playlist October 2019
Keith Blaney started us out with Paul Simon’s ‘America’.
Russ Williams, ‘Barcarolle’, Frederic Chopin
Edith Cook, ‘Se Io M’accorgo’, by anonymous
Edith half way up the neck
Steve Gilmore, ‘Richmond’, by John Lowell
Ernie Brazzale, ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’, by George Gershwin
Earl Janack, ‘October’, by U2
Earl working his U-tune
David Norby, ‘Tell Me Why’, Lennon/McCartney
Skye Krahenbuhl, ‘Forgotten’, Katie Turner
Effron White, ‘My Heart Plays These Songs’, original
Keith Blaney, ‘Fifty Cents’, anonymous
Russ SANG one for us, always a treat. That’s Barb in the foreground, his voice coach.
Russ Williams, ‘What Will I Do?’, Irving Berlin
Effron White, ‘I Want It All’, original
Steve Gilmore, ‘Name of the Game is Stud’, Bill Peterson
Ernie and Bill sounding mighty fine together
Ernie Brazzale & Bill Bailey, ‘Hidden Blues’, Rick Dougherty
Earl Janack, ‘S2D2’, original. (read those 2’s as ‘squared’)
David Norby, ‘Oh Darling’, Lennon/McCartney
When you told me, you didn’t need me anymore
Skye Krahenbuhl, ‘Hotel California’, Eagles
also joining us were Barb Williams and Dr. Floyd Turner, who didn’t play this month.
Today is Friday the 13th, and a beautiful day it is, too! Â Bill contacted me yesterday, and said that his report of the September meeting was just a rough draft. Â It was irresponsible to use (and post) it without correction. Â So consider it gone! Â Like they tell juries, Â it is stricken from the record, so disregard what you read. Â Perhaps a corrected version will be forwarded, at which time I will republish the September meeting notes. Â I will leave the pictures and playlist for now, so feel free to skip this part if you want to get to the meat and potatoes of the meeting.
In the interim, I would like to bore you with my take on the newsletter. Â It has been suggested that the newsletter should be considered a ‘historical document’, and contain only the facts. Â As editor, I write the first portion of the newsletter as entertainment; I have never thought the truth should interfere with a good story. Â If you read this ‘rag’, you know that to be so.
That said, the PLAYLIST, on the other hand, is as factual as possible. Â Not all entries are legibly written. Â When I remember at the meetings, I will fill those in with my own scribbles that I can later read. Â I will also research who wrote the song if it wasn’t on the playlist. Â So if you are interested in “just the facts, ma’am”, Â start on the playlist. Â Because let’s face it, that’s what really happens at the monthly meetings. Â Events are listed elsewhere in the website. Â That first bit is my cock-eyed interpretation of my cock-eyed observations, occasionally with a sprinkling of humor. Â Skip it if it offends your sensibilities.
Here’s Marvin, no worse the wear from his equipment malfunction.Remy makes his blue solid body Carvin with nylon strings sing… Here’s the gear! The magical part of it is attached to that foot. Earl the IntrepidGary whittled his dulcimer out of a single cottonwood log. Chris’ lightening fast picking eludes high speed camera…
I’m Doctor Turner, and I approve of this tuning. $80 please.Please share my umbrella.
Playlist for September 2019
Christine R. Cousins started the music off with ‘Gold Dust Woman’ by Stevie Nicks.
Ed Heffern, ‘Oh What a Beautiful Morning’, by Rogers & Hammerstein
Rich Ryan, ‘I’ll Be Back’, by Lennon & McCartney
Remy Abeyta, Los Ojus De Pancha, traditional
Earl Janack, ‘What You See…’, original
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional tune sung by Harry Belefonte?
David Norby, ‘Bus Stop’, the Hollies
Most of the dulcimer and parts of Gary, who was also carved from a single cottonwood log.
Gary Krause, ‘Nut Factory Shuffle’, by Gil Anderson
Christine R. Cousins, ‘Skipping Rocks’, original
Ed Heffern, ‘Wayfaring Stranger’, traditional
Rich Ryan, ‘Baby Blue’, by Bad Finger
Rich was behind the camera tonight. This is my stock ‘stink-eye’ photo of Mr. Ryan.
Remy Abeyta, ‘Begin the Beguine’, by Cole Porter
Earl Janack, ‘Dido dot dot dot’, original
David Norby, ‘Different Drum’, by Michael Nesmith
Gary Krause, ‘Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides’, original
Tenor ukelele, baritone Gary.
Christine R. Cousins, ‘Reese’s Rainbow’, original
Ed Heffern, ‘Wish You Were Along’, original
Ed Heffern, also an original
Rich Ryan, ‘Country Road’, by James Taylor
Remy Abeyta, ‘Soft Summer Breeze’, by Eddie Heywood
Earl Janack, ‘Amalgamated Conglomeration Inc.’ an original tune.
Marvin Frerich, ‘Where Have all the Flowers Gone’, by Pete Seeger
Christine R. Cousins, ‘Calm Before the Storm’, original
Slo-mo of Christine’s giant red taco pick
David Norby, ‘Good Time Charlie’, by Danny O’Keefe
Ed Heffern, ‘Times They Are A Changin’, by Bob Dylan
Rich Ryan, ‘Chicago’, by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.
Also attending tonight’s meeting; Steve Gilmore, Floyd Turner, Bob Fontaine, and Brian Andres. (spelling corrected by editor)
It was a nice evening in the Cottonwood Room, typical of summertime meetings with about 15 people in attendance. We started with an amazing rendition of ‘Over the Rainbow’, played completely with harmonics by our friend Remy. Rich, Bill and Remy teamed up next for some George Strait, setting the tone for the evening.
Remy hiding behind the music.
Edith brought us the group song this month, ‘Sloop John B.’ by Brian Wilson. Original music this month was performed by both Ken and Justin.
A rare photo; it’s hard to catch Ken with his hands not blurry.
It will be here before you know it, so let’s talk about the library’s One World Prairie Guitar Contest on September 28th. There will be 20 slots available in each category, with a new one this year called ‘Miscellaneous Stringed Instrument’ (but not piano) The other thing to note is the prize money this year will be $1000 for 1st, $700 for 2nd, and $500 for 3rd. Each entry is $10 and forms are available online. If you have questions, contact Robin at or call 634-3561.
August 2019 Playlist
Remy Abeyta played ‘Over the Rainbow’ by Arlin & Harburg, entirely with harmonics.
Rich, Bill, and Remy covered George Strait’s ‘Right or Wrong’, written by Sizemore & Biese.
Floyd Turner treated himself to ‘WhatEver’ from The Voices in His Head.
Rick, Keith, and Jeannie played ‘Blue Bayou’ by Roy Orbison
Jeanie catching a few zzz’s
Jeanie White, ‘Vincent’, by Don McLean.
Keith Blaney, ‘Along the Navajo Trail’, by Charles, Marks, and DeLange.
Justin Johnson, ‘Here and Now’, an original tune.
Justin and his Popiel Pocket Chair Music Stand by Ronco.
Steve Gilmore, ‘Born to Be With You’ by Don Robertson.
Gary Krause, ‘Save the Last Dance For Me’, by Doc Pomus & Mort Shuman .
Edith Cook, ‘Lament of Orpheus’ by C.W. Gluck
Edith pluckin’ a Gluck.
Ken Frederick, ‘Dad Gum It’, an original tune.
Bill Bailey, ‘Someday Soon’, by Ian Tyson.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes! Bill has to have them all in gear to play steel pedal.
The group song was ‘Sloop John B.’ by Brian Wilson.
Remy Abeyta, ‘Jealous Heart’, by Jenny Lou Carson.
Rich Ryan and Bill Bailey, ‘Roy Rogers’ by Elton John.
Rick Memmel, Jeanie White, and Keith Blaney, ‘Love is All Around’ by the Troggs.
Jeanie White, ‘Tomorrow’ by Bob Dylan.
Keith croonin’ an oldie.
Keith Blaney, ‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’, by Andre & Kahn.
Justin Johnson, ‘Don’t Know Why’, by Nora Jones.
Steve Gilmore, ‘I Found My Best Friend in the Dog Pound, by ???…
Gary hit the brakes hard and switched tunes mid stream
Gary Krause, ‘Hitchin’ a Ride’, by Peter Callender & Mitch Murray.
Edith Cook, ‘Muss i Deun’, a German folksong.
Ken Frederick, ‘Strawberry Moon’, original tune.
Earl Janack, ‘Bye Bye Love’, The Everly Brothers.
Bill Bailey, ‘Take the A-Train’, by Billy Stayhorn.
That’s Remy way over there on the other side of the Cottonwood Room.
Remy Abeyta, ‘Maria Elena’, by Lorenzo Barcelata.
Rick, Jeanie, and Keith ‘Sunshine of Your Love’, by jack Bruce, Pete Brown, and Eric Clapton.
Justin Johnson, ‘Gravity’, by John Mayer.
Ken Frederick, ‘Squawgy Squiggy’ by Ken Frederick.
Also attending this month, Maria Means, Floyd Turner (he’s the only one that could hear his tune) and a gent that ducked out early without signing the playlist.
America The Beautiful, by Katherine Lee Bates, with Old Glory herself dancing and Remy playing.
Going to start this month’s newsletter with this stunning photo taken by Jeanie White. It almost looks photoshopped, doesn’t it? We were up in the library’s 3rd floor Sunflower Room, which put us about level with the flag outside. This photo just gets your heart fluttering like the flag, don’t it.
We had a typical (smaller) summer turn-out, with about 15 attendees. It made for a nice relaxed meeting, with plenty of time for extra activities. One of which was a bunch of birthdays on or around this meeting date. Ron Labrecque, a frequent visitor of ours, turned 92. Floyd hit 90, our buddy Pete in Ft. Collins turned 60. Finally, Rick turned 70, but he wanted to do it quietly, so don’t tell him I told you about it.
‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken’, by Ada R. Gabershon, was probably the best group song we’ve ever done. Steve had an intro for us, and Bill took a lick on his steel pedal. Lots of harmonizing with everybody ending at the same time; it was about as good as it gets. Thanks Rich for bringing that tune!
Mike Clark drove up from Ft. Collins and did an outstanding job (as usual) with his tunes. He even sang one, which was a first.
Mike with his debut cover of Jack White’s ‘ We Are Gonna Be Friends’.
Just before the meeting, I got a message from Joshua Phillips. He is returning to Denver for work, so he won’t be joining us in the future. He was only with us for six months or so, but his tunes were a breath of fresh air. Let’s hope he finds a group to brighten up down in Brighton.
Playlist for July 2019
Ron Labrecque, ‘Happy Birthday to You’, sung by da group.
Rich Ryan, ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by George Harrison
Rich got to giggling so hard he forgot which fingers went where.
R. Memmel, J. White, N. McKenzie, K. Blaney, ‘Stand By Me’, by Ben E. King
Jeanie White, ‘Desperado’, by The Eagles
Keith Blaney, ‘Karaoke Queen’, original
Ken Frederick, ‘April Daze’, original
Ken working the neck
Earl Janack, ‘You Can’t Unring a Bell’, original
Bill Bailey, ‘The Choir’, by George Strait
Edith Cook, Remy Abeyta, ‘Sentimental Journey’, by Les Brown
Remy Abeyta, ‘Sleep Walk’, by Santo & Johnny Farina
Mike Clark, ‘Blackbird’, by Lennon/McCartney
Gary shredding on his four string
Gary Krause, ‘Leaves’, an original tune
Steve Gilmore, ‘A Hole in the Day’, by Leo Kottke
Group, ‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken’, by Ada R. Labershon.
Jeanie, Rick, Nancy, and Keith, ‘Jolene’, by Dolly Parton
Birthday boys Ron in background and Rick playing bass
Nancy and Keith, ‘Rock Salt and Nails’, by Utah Phillips
Ken Frederick, ‘Scorpius 300’, an original tune
Earl Janack, ‘Going Through What I Went Through’, original
Earl. My name is Earl. Earl I say!
Bill Bailey, ‘Time of the Season’, the Zombies
Remy Abeyta, ‘America the Beautiful’, by Katherine Lee Bates
Mike Clark, ‘Wicked Game’, by Chris Isaacs
Steve Gilmore, ‘Last Great Waltz’, by Mason Williams
The Man in Black herself, Jeanie White.
Jeanie White, ‘Ring of Fire’, by Johnny Cash
Keith Blaney, ‘My Road’, an original tune
Bill and Rich, ‘Cowboy Rides Away’, by George Strait
Remy Abeyta, ‘Colonel Bogey’, (from Bridge Over the River Kwai), by F.J. Ricketts
Mike Clark, ‘We Are Gonna Be Friends’, by The White Stripes