We had a fairly modest turnout of about 20 folks for our December meeting in the library’s Cottonwood Room. We invited everyone to bring treats, and there were nearly as many platters of goodies as there were players! So many, in fact, we had to take an official snack break, along with casual grazing as the meeting progressed.
Tom Fuller has joined us a few times before, but this was the first time he broke out his guitar. Nice job, Tom!

Russ sang two for us, which is always a treat. Some gals showed up early during our second lap, so we waited until they stuffed their faces full of cookies before we asked them who the were. Welcome to Sue Frerich and their neighbor Char Nolan.

The group song was a bit different this month, brought to us by Edith. She enlisted the help of Carol Bowles, Gary Krause, and Ernie to sing it a few times a cappella, then taught it to the rest of us.

Here’s wishing you and yours a most joyous and blessed Christmas season. See you all again, with perfect clarity, in 2020.

December 2019 Playlist
Lots of guests tonight, so just to mix things up a bit that’s where I’ll start. Floyd Turner, Barb Williams, Kathy Memmel, Sue Frerich, and Char Nolan all joined in the festivities, and many brought treats! Thank you!

Russ started us out with ‘Blott en Dag’ by Oscar Ahnfelt.
Tom Fuller, ‘Bill Bailey, Won’t You Please Come Home’, by Hughie Cannon.
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, traditional folksong.
Ed and Judy Heffern with Rick Memmel, ‘Christmas Dinner’ by Paul Stookey.

Ken Frederick, ‘Pearl Harbor Day’, original
Keith Blaney, ‘The Christmas Song’, Mel Torme.
Earl Janack, ‘Do You Hear What I Hear?’, lyrics by N. Regney, music by G. Shayne.
Roland Peterson, ‘Study in A’, by Giuliania

Ernie Brazzale, ‘Please Come Home For Christmas’, Charles Brown.
Remy Abeyta, ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’, Hugh Martin/Ralph Blane
Edith Cook, Carol Bowles, and Gary Krause brought us the group song ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’, anonymous

Russ Williams, ‘Auld Lang Syne’ , traditional
Tom Fuller, ‘Sloop John B.’, Bahamian folk song.
Ken Frederick, ‘Chut Hut’, original
Ed Heffern and Rick Memmel, ‘Little Saint Nick’, Beach Boys.
Keith Blaney, Rick Memmel, Nancy McKenzie, ‘Holly Jolly Christmas’, Johny Marks.

Earl Janack, ‘Winter Solstice’, original
Keith Blaney, ‘Merry Christmas From the Family’, Robert Earl Keene.
Roland Peterson, ‘Opus 50 No. 3’, Carcassi.
Remy Abeyta, ‘The Little Drummer Boy’, Katherine Davis.
Ernie Brazzale, ‘You Belong To Me’, Chilton Price/ Pee Wee King.

Carol Bowles, Edith Cook, Gary Krause, and Ed Heffern, ‘Silent Night/ Night of Silence’, Daniel Kantor
Russ Williams, ‘Mary’s Boy Child’, Jester Hairston.
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Farewell’, Jamaican folk song.
Ken Frederick, ‘So Beautiful’, original
Rick Memmel & Ed Heffern, ‘Feliz Navidad’, Jose Feliciano.
Earl Janack, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth’, Don Gardner
Remy Abeyta, ‘Jingle Bells’, James Lord Pierpont.
Upcoming Events
January is just around the corner! Time to renew your membership for the princely sum of $25. Such a good deal! While it is not a requirement for monthly attendance, it does support our status as a real group, which we must do from time to time. It also earns you discounts for our special events. It also entitles you to vote, which coincidently, is the next topic.
We will be voting for a new slate of officers as soon as possible in the new year, hopefully in January (but things do happen). Perhaps it will be February, which brings us to our next topic. See how I’m segue’n from one thing to the next? Notice I don’t really know how to work with the word ‘segue’?
February will be our annual Valentine’s dinner/concert on the 14th. Pester Russ about it in January if you would like to attend. There are not many seats left. There will also be a master class. Trust me, you don’t have to play classical guitar to learn enough to make your brain hurt for a couple days. $10 to monitor, again pester Dr. Williams for details.