October 2019 meeting

The October meeting came up fast on the first. A baker’s dozen met in one of the lovely meeting rooms on the Plains Hotel mezzanine.

Skye with her bedazzled guitar. She is not this blurry in person…

Welcome to Skye Krahenbuhl and her highly decorated combat veteran (notice the Purple Bout), The Guitar. She just changed strings from clear to black and white to better match the decor of her six string. This girl can sing! and we all hope she’ll be joining us again soon.

Before the meeting, Skye was across the street at The Paramount, and was followed over by this Nashville resident, Effron White.

We’ve been EFFRON-ized!

Effron happened to be passing through town and decided to check us out. Effron played us a couple of his well crafted, engaging, original tunes. Let’s hope the weather held for him while he made his way to his next gig in Ogden. Happy trails, troubadour! And thanks for the guitar case sticker.

Steve gave us the skinny on the One World Prairie Music and Pie Flinging Contest , held at the library the end of September. Attendance was up and the competition was fierce. Our very own Mike Clark took 4th place in the Acoustic category, winning himself some season tickets for the Cheyenne Concert Association’s upcoming season.

Mike from two months ago. He has since grown his hair out like the rockstar he has become.

When Mike found out Tommy Emmanuel is slated for one of the shows, he was like a kid in a candy store. If memory serves, meeting Tommy is what started Mike playing in the first place. By the way, season tickets are only $60 for 4 shows; any ONE of the performances of the talented acts they have booked for this year is worth that alone!

Playlist October 2019

Keith Blaney started us out with Paul Simon’s ‘America’.

Russ Williams, ‘Barcarolle’, Frederic Chopin

Edith Cook, ‘Se Io M’accorgo’, by anonymous

Edith half way up the neck

Steve Gilmore, ‘Richmond’, by John Lowell

Ernie Brazzale, ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’, by George Gershwin

Earl Janack, ‘October’, by U2

Earl working his U-tune

David Norby, ‘Tell Me Why’, Lennon/McCartney

Skye Krahenbuhl, ‘Forgotten’, Katie Turner

Effron White, ‘My Heart Plays These Songs’, original

Keith Blaney, ‘Fifty Cents’, anonymous

Russ SANG one for us, always a treat. That’s Barb in the foreground, his voice coach.

Russ Williams, ‘What Will I Do?’, Irving Berlin

Effron White, ‘I Want It All’, original

Steve Gilmore, ‘Name of the Game is Stud’, Bill Peterson

Ernie and Bill sounding mighty fine together

Ernie Brazzale & Bill Bailey, ‘Hidden Blues’, Rick Dougherty

Earl Janack, ‘S2D2’, original. (read those 2’s as ‘squared’)

David Norby, ‘Oh Darling’, Lennon/McCartney

When you told me, you didn’t need me anymore

Skye Krahenbuhl, ‘Hotel California’, Eagles

also joining us were Barb Williams and Dr. Floyd Turner, who didn’t play this month.

The String Doctor hisself