We GOT TOGETHER for the April 6th meeting at the First United Methodist Church downtown. After some rumination on the subject, we decided it had been last October since we last met in person, so this was a treat. As more people are vaccinated the Covid-19 restrictions are being eased, and places are becoming available again for small gatherings.
There were some good collaborations tonight with our short dozen of players. Jeannie and Ernie teamed up for some tunes, as did the Zavorka’s and Nancy. Margene was worried about not playing a stringed instrument at ‘Guitar’ Society. When Rich and I first came in, they were already there practicing, and WE thought her recorder was a recording over the P.A., not a live performance. We assured her it’s all good, and most welcomed.
Speaking of Rich, his guitar had a wardrobe malfunction in the middle of a tune when it popped its G string. Most of us have been there; new strings, bridge pins on the move, you know how it goes. Justin got it sorted while Rich finished that song with a rental instrument.

As we worked around the room, it seems we had all stolen our selections from Martin Gilmore, who wasn’t there to defend his property. Even some originals by Justin turned out to be stolen from Martin. It’s dog eat dog out there.
Then there was Russ. I fall in love all over again when Russ sings. It only happens a couple times a year, but it’s always a treat. Russ sang ‘I’ve Grown Accustomed To Your Face’ by Lerner and Loewe. As Steve observed, he was also playing some $4.00 chords along with it too. It was just stunning; thank you Mr. Williams.
We attempted a (last minute) group song, ‘Do Wah Diddy’. It turned out more like Homer Simpson’s ‘Doh!!! Wha Just Happened?’ but it was fun, just the same, t’was nice to be together for a change.

Playlist for April 2021
Keith Blaney, ‘Song For You’, Leon Russell.
Ben and Margene Zavorka, Nancy McKenzie, ‘Star of the County Down’, Van Morrison.
Rick Memmel, ‘All My Loving’, The Beatles.
Steve Gilmore, ‘Ain’t It A Shame’, Leadbelly.
Ernie Brazzale, Jeannie White, ‘Fly Me To The Moon’, Bart Howard.

Rich Ryan, ‘Wichita Lineman’, Jimmy Webb.
Justin Johnson, ‘No Woman No Cry’, Bob Marley.
Russ Williams, ‘Sheebeg & Sheemore’, Turlough O’Carolan.
Group Song, ‘Do Wah Diddy’, Manfred Mann.
Nancy and Keith, ‘Rocking Chair’, Bill Harrell and Don Reno.
Ben, Margene, and Nancy, ‘M.T.A.’, Jacqueline Steiner & Bess Heard.

Rick Memmel, ‘And I Love Her’, the Beatles.
Steve, ‘Golden Vanity’, traditional folksong.
Jeannie & Ernie, ‘Summertime’, George and Ira Gershwin.
Rich Ryan, ‘Comes A Time’, Neil Young.
Justin, ‘Traveling Show’, original.

Russ Williams, ‘I’ve Grown Accustomed To Your Face’, Lerner and Loewe.
Keith, ‘This Masquerade’, Leon Russell.
Steve Gilmore, ‘I’m Gonna Marry A Lighthouse Keeper’, Erika Eigen.

Ernie B., ‘You Belong To Me’, Pee Wee King, Chilton Price, and Redd Stewart.
Jeannie White, ‘This Town,’ Niall Heran.
Justin Johnson, ‘Shells’, original.