We met at the First United Methodist Church downtown for our December Guitar Society meeting. Nice big meeting room and handy parking, more than adequate for our eight participants this month.
First I’d like to start with a thank you to Edith, who drove down from suburban Torrington just to share her Christmas cookies with us. Edith recently had shoulder work done and is recovering well, but unable to play her guitar just yet. Her cookies were delicious, so many thanks for making the trip.

Our other wounded warrior who surprised us was Ken, who recently lost the tip of a finger to a rabid car in Hawaii. Not to put too fine a point on it (too soon?), his middle finger on his strumming hand is rather tender, and you could see him wincing every now and then when it collided with the strings. Hats off to a brave performance by one of our stalwarts.

It seems to me, if you write a song it should AUTOMATICALLY just be there, under your fingers and in your memory bank, whenever you want to play it. But it doesn’t work that way; you have to learn them just like any other song. So while it seems like I am picking on Justin for his cheat sheet, I am really empathizing. It’s not fair, if you ask me.
The other wonderful thing that happened this month, on the 11th, was a concert by Sean McGowan and Martin Gilmore, out at LCCC’s new Surbrugg/Prentice Auditorium. Sean is a jazz guitarist, while Martin is a singer/songwriter. Both teach down in Colorado, both are top shelf musicians. The only reason we could afford to sponsor this concert is they aren’t famous yet. The new facility is stunning. Martin and Sean gave a free workshop during the day, where they swapped stories about their craft and took questions from the peanut gallery. Just a treat to get to rub shoulders with such talented musicians.
Playlist for December 2021
Remy Abeyta, Christmas Carol Medley, Williams/Oliphant/Gruber. (I have a video clip of this I will add once I learn how).
Rick Memmel, ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’, ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘Silent Night’, asst. authors.
Ken Frederick, ‘Two Of Us’, Lennon/McCartney.
Steve Gilmore, ‘Hallelujah, Hear The Angels Sing’, Martin Gilmore.
Justin Johnson, ‘Gentle On My Mind’, Glen Campbell.

Rich Ryan, ‘Jesus: Joy of Man’s Desiring’, J.S. Bach.
Russ Williams, ‘Estrellita’, Ponce.
Remy, ‘Limbo Rock’, Chubby Checker.
Rick Memmel, ‘Honey Don’t’, Carl Perkins.

Ken Frederick, ‘Something’, George Harrison.
Steve, ‘Wings of Angels’, The Stanley Brothers.
Justin, ‘Yuengling’, original.
Rich Ryan, ‘You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch’, Dr. Seuss & Albert Hague.

Russ Williams, ‘Let It Snow’, Jule Styme.
Remy, ‘Arizona Highway’, original.
Rick, ‘Amazing Grace’, played with harmonics, arrangement by Jaco Pastorius.
Justin, ‘Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters’, Elton John.
Group Song, ‘Silent Night’.