We were, you guessed it, back up in the Sunflower Room at the library for our February meeting. Welcome to Joshua Phillips and his very lovely Gibson guitar. He did it justice with a couple covers of Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots tunes.

Our new dad, Martin Gilmore, ventured up from Denver to join us, but unfortunately only had time to play one tune. Lucky for us, he teamed up with his dad Steve for another one.

We also got a nice presentation from Dorothy and Glen Gould about the Cheyenne Concert Association Series. A season pass is only $65 and gets you into about 18 different shows from Kimball to Cheyenne to Ft. Collins and beyond, with performances by some of the top musicians in the world. This season is about half way done, but you could still get more than your money’s worth.

The group song was- WAIT– there was no group song! Y’all need to step up for this little chore! It’s simple. Step 1. Pick out something fairly easy and familiar (without too many barr chords) Step 2. Make about ten copies for everybody to share. Step 3. Stick those copies in your guitar case. Step 4. Bring those copies to the meeting! We may not get to it right away, because I know the response to this call to action is going to be overwhelming. Trust me though, we will get around to your tune, because we all love a group song. Shoot, that’s why several of us bring an instrument, just to play along with the group. Oh, there’s one additional step for Russ, Step 1 1/2. Have someone show you how to chart chords right side up. Just kidding, upside down has its merits as well…
Playlist for February 2019
Earl Januck started us out with an original tune, “It’s Not Me, It’s You”
Ernie Brazzale ‘The Boxer’ by Paul Simon
Keith Blaney ‘Crazy Love’ by Van Morrison
David Norby ‘Running on Empty’ by Jackson Browne

Steve Gilmore ‘Bristlecone Pine’ by Hugh Prestwood
Justin Johnson ‘Desperado’ by Eagles
Edith Cook ‘Cool Water’ by Bob Nolan

Ed Heffern, ‘Ashokan Farewell’ by Jay Unger
Roland Peterson, ‘Opus 60 No. 3’ by Carrassi (on classical guitar)
Joshua Phillips, ‘Black’ by Pearl Jam
Marvin Frerich, ‘Jamaican Fairwell’, mento (folk song)

Martin Gilmore, ‘Buffalo Skinners’ traditional
Keith Blaney, ‘When I’m 64’ by Lennon/McCartney
Earl Januck, ‘I’m Here for the Beer’ original.
Joe Larson, ‘Love’ by Frank Sinatra

Ernie Brazzale, ‘Take Me As I Am’ by Thompson & Battle.
David Norby, ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ by Joni Mitchell
Steve and Martin Gilmore, ‘Heartbreak Game’ by Time O’Brien
Justin Johnson, ‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz

Ed Heffern, ‘Jerusalem’s Choir’ by Kane’s River
Roland Peterson, ‘Red Haired Boy’ on mandolin (traditional)
Joshua Phillips, ‘Big Empty’ by Stone Temple Pilots
Also joining us; Floyd Turner, Bob Fontaine, Bill Bailey, and Glen and Dorothy Gould.
Please note: I took some liberties with the playlist order to best use the photos that were fit to print. That’ll be my M.O. going forward with this new format.