This month’s newsletter is brought to you by The Pathological Liars Association of Hoboken, New Jersey. Why Wyoming doesn’t have its own chapter is beyond me; we certainly have enough qualified people.

It was a very modest turnout for our February meeting. Still fun tho’; we did equal parts of playing music and gas-bagging, so that’s always a good change of pace. We even had a guest artist tonight! Steve had other commitments, but he did stick around and played one of the two songs he knows.

There’s another thing about Steve most of you will be happy you don’t know. He shares something he simply calls ‘Friday Music’. It is the WORST recordings you can imagine. The remarkable thing is, these performers have actually paid for studio time and recorded stuff you would be loathe to step in. Sometimes it’s so bad, he offers a small prize if you are able to listen to the end; he’ll drive you to your brain scan. I’ve gone twice now; the results were negative.
Rick did not bring a group song. Delaware is further than I thought.

Valentine Soiree/Master Class
The Guitar Foundation of America contest winner for 2022 was Bokyung Byun of South Korea. On Sunday the 12th, she gave a Master Class for five of Jason Olson’s students from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. All five students were well prepared and knew their music. Bokyung helped them to better tell the story, with tips on phrasing, dynamics and such. She has a very positive and affirming teaching style that was great to witness; everybody learned something!
On the 14th, she gave a jaw dropping performance at the Surbrugg Prentice Auditorium on the Laramie County Community College campus. I checked, she has but ten fingers playing one guitar, but at times it sounded like three people performing. Bokyung also exhibited her humorous side between pieces, so the performance was delightful as well as stunning. This year, LCCC did a good job with the food as well.
February 2023 Playlist

Steve Gilmore, ‘Say Won’t You Be Mine’, Carter Stanley.
Ken Frederick, ‘Another Day’, original.
Rich Ryan (with vocal reinforcements by Keith), ‘Wooden Ships’, Crosby, Kantner, Stills.
Russ Williams, ‘Christmas Valentine’, Jason Mroz.

Nancy McKenzie, ‘The Girl I Left Behind Me’, English folk song.
Keith Blaney, ‘I Will’, Lennon/McCartney.
Ken Frederick, ‘Idiots Driving Like Maniacs’, original.
Rich Ryan, ‘Almost Cut My Hair’, David Crosby.

Russ Williams, ‘Prelude for Musique De Salon’, Ricardo Iznaola.
Nancy McKenzie, ‘Red Rocking Chair’, traditional.
Keith Blaney, ‘Oh Suzanna’, Steven Foster.
Ken Frederick, ‘It’s Garbage Day in Pt. Reyes’, original.

Rich Ryan, ‘Love The One You’re With’, Steven Stills.
Russell Williams, ‘Try to Remember’, Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones.
Nancy McKenzie, ‘Sally Goodin’, Woodie Guthrie.
Keith Blaney, ‘Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter’, Fred Ahlert/Joe Young.
Photos this month by Rich Ryan and Nancy McKenzie.